
Are You A Holiday OverDoer?

December 22, 2021

Do the holidays trigger all of your OVERDOING tendencies?

I know they do mine. 

I love the holidays, but I find myself getting anxious to get it all done. 

While I am busy decorating, shopping, wrapping, cooking, cleaning, I am noticing that my self-care starts to wane a bit too. 

Suddenly, I am not as mindful about what I am eating, and I am forgetting to make time to exercise. 

This time of year can be a slippery slope.

So, if you are finding yourself in any of these categories:

-Eating Christmas cookies late at night while watching Netflix…

-Drinking more heavily than you should “‘because it’s the holidays…”

-Spending more money than you have because of the pressure to buy gifts for everyone you know…

Just remember… OVERDOING is a choice. 

It is simply an old pattern or habit that you can change whenever you are ready.

Going through the holidays, without OVERDOING, does not mean giving up the fun.

In fact, by making a few simple modifications during the holidays, you will have less guilt, shame, debt, and weight to tackle in the New Year. 

In this week’s podcast episode of The OverThinker’s Guide To Joy, I offer some easy holiday tips for managing the OverDoer in all of us.

You can listen right here, or wherever you get your podcasts. 

Merry Christmas! Stay safe. Be Happy & Healthy. 



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