The Blog

When Things Don’t Go As Planned
I had big plans for a peaceful, grounded morning today. I was going to meditate, sip my coffee slowly, and ease into the day before a podcast interview. But instead… My puppy, Milo, had other ideas. After breakfast, he ran around the house like a maniac—and proceeded to leave little “surprises” in the living room,…

Finding The Right Coach
How much time (and money) have you spent chasing the next great thing? -The best productivity hack. -The latest healing modality. -That miracle face cream. We keep searching because there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. What works for one person doesn’t always work for the next. But when we are in pain (physically or psychically), we keep…

The Secret to Feeling Happier Right Now
We are often our own worst critics. We beat ourselves up for making mistakes, not doing enough, or simply being human. Yet, when a friend stumbles, we offer understanding. When a loved one struggles, we show kindness. But what if you extended that same grace to yourself? Research shows that self-compassion is strongly linked to…

Is Multitasking Helping or Hurting You?
“The shorter way to do many things is to only do one thing at a time.” – Mozart I was reminded of the importance of focus the other day, while playing tennis with friends. Every time my partner got a text on her Apple Watch, she either missed the next shot or double-faulted on her serve. That…

The Waiting Game
Have you ever been stuck in the waiting game? Waiting for an answer, a result, or a sign that you’re on the right path? Patience has never been my strong suit, either. As an overachiever, I’ve spent years trying to control outcomes, speed up timelines, and attempt to avoid uncertainty at all costs. But the…

Finding Joy Again
For those of you who have followed my journey, you know that losing my dog, Blaze, was one of the hardest things I’ve been through in recent years. For 12 years, he was my shadow and my best friend. And for three months after his passing, the house felt emptier than ever. When one of…

Change Isn’t Always A Bad Thing
If there’s one thing I’ve learned (and keep learning), it’s that life rarely stays the same. One season ends, another begins. Doors close, windows open, and sometimes, it’s just the breeze reminding us that the world keeps turning At the start of a new year, change can feel exciting—or daunting. Maybe you’re hoping for something…

Simplify Your Life and Stress Less
Let me start with a confession: Traveling gives me anxiety. Specifically, the packing part. For someone who preaches simplicity, you’d think I’d have this one nailed. But no. Packing for a trip feels like a Tetris game where overthinking is inevitable. I value keeping things simple. But simplifying doesn’t mean sacrificing. It means focusing on…