The Blog
Are You Ready To Have A Great Day?
I woke up to a monster of a To-Do list today. Well, technically, I woke up to soft slobbery kisses from my dog who was eager to have breakfast. But AFTER that, it was my To-Do list that smacked me in the face. I felt a heaviness in my body, and I just wanted to…
Do You Feel Judged?
Judgment can be such a loaded word. It can be everything from an important decision made by the Supreme Court… To idle gossip about somebody you barely know. Everyone has that friend or relative who is super judgmental. You feel like nothing you ever do is right or you are always being picked apart. Judgment…
Developing Good Habits
“I want to get in better shape.” “I want to start exercising daily.” “I want to stop late-night snacking.” “I want to start meditating.” I hear these statements EVERY day from my various clients. Someone wants to START doing something or someone wants to STOP doing another thing… but they just can’t seem to get started…
Lessons I Learn From My Dog
They say a dog is “Man’s Best Friend.” But when a WOMAN has a dog, I think the bond is even greater. My eldest daughter refers to my dog as “The Favorite Child.” She still insists that he was her ‘replacement’ when she went off to college 10 years ago and that he is totally spoiled. …
Are You Feeling Overwhelmed?
Are you feeling overwhelmed lately? There is definitely something in the air because I keep hearing it from friends, family, clients… and I have been feeling it too. This week threw a lot of people off their game with the time change. “Spring Forward” aka Daylight Savings had 300 million people feel like they had jet lag…
The Pressure of Being Happy
Are You Happy? It’s funny how such a simple question can be so triggering. MY brain immediately starts over-analyzing this one. Am I happy right at this moment? Today? Or in general? Do I see the glass as ‘half-full or half-empty?’ And if I see the glass half-full, how often do I see it that way? Half…
The Art of Reframing Your Thoughts
For much of my life, I had trouble falling asleep. I would lay awake at night because I could not seem to shut off my brain. My ruminating thoughts would play on a loop, and once they got a hold of me, sleep became elusive. However, these negative thoughts didn’t just show up at night, they were…