
The Blog


Learning To Celebrate Yourself

I just celebrated another birthday.  Not a big one… just another year around the sun.  Birthdays have always been complicated for me. Not so much the aging process, but the expectation that my birthday should have something special or magical about it.  But in the same breath, I don’t want anyone to make a fuss, so…


Are You Having A Mid-Life Crisis?

I remember a period of my life when I thought to myself: “Is this all there is?” It’s not that I was ungrateful for the things that I had, but I was just too overwhelmed by life to enjoy them.  It felt like a lot of work to keep all of the spinning plates spinning. I…


The Power of Your Thoughts

Do you feel a little uneasy when things are going TOO well? Do you think things have to be stressful in order to be productive? When things are finally running smoothly, do you think that it’s just a matter of time until the “other shoe drops?” This is a classic OverThinker’s go-to pattern. Our minds…


Creating More Time

What is your relationship with TIME? Do you feel like you manage IT? Or does it manage YOU? Time is one of our most valuable commodities, and yet we often feel like we have no control over it.  We THINK we don’t have enough of it because we are overworked or over-committed.  We feel buried…


The Secrets To Success

Success is defined in so many different ways. When I first started working in the television business, I thought I would be successful if I could JUST get my foot in the door.   It started with an unpaid internship where I would distribute the mail and cover for other secretaries when they would take their…


Breaking Up With Negative Patterns

Have you ever met someone who comes into your life, and seems to make everything better? Whether it is a romantic partner or just a new friend, you feel like you have met your BFF.  At first, they are fun and charismatic, and they make you feel VERY special.  They always know just what to…


Are You An Enabler?

In the past, I have been accused of being an enabler.  It’s often a habit that comes from being a people pleaser and a peacekeeper. The word is most often associated with being complicit in facilitating, condoning, or participating in someone’s addiction.  However, enabling is NOT ALWAYS about addiction.  Sometimes it shows up as doing things for…


Are You Looking For Problems?

Are you always on the lookout for what might go wrong? Do you have trouble sleeping because of your endless “To Do” list? Or when things ARE going well, do you have trouble believing they will last? In other words, are you looking for problems where there aren’t any? This is known as hyper-vigilance. On…