
Are You Addicted To Your Phone?

June 12, 2024

Years ago, I had a therapist tell me that I would never have to worry about addiction because my “addiction to control” would always trump my addiction to addiction. 

Of course, she was being cheeky because we all know that EVERYONE is vulnerable to addiction, and addiction is a complex stew. 

It comprises biological components such as genetics, brain chemistry, and tolerance.

It also has psychological components such as mental health, coping mechanisms, and learned behaviors. 

My former therapist was MOSTLY correct. My inner control freak has primarily trumped any potentially addictive behaviors throughout my life.

HOWEVER, my confidence in this belief was shaken when my cell phone SUDDENLY stopped working yesterday.

It all started with a warning indicator that something was wrong with my SIM card.

I ignored it because I was still in my office, and my phone seemed to be working “fine.” And if I am being honest, I don’t know what a SIM card does.

But later, when I was at an appointment and suddenly couldn’t access the internet, I realized something was wrong.

I couldn’t make calls, send texts, or respond to emails. 

I felt a wave of panic wash over me. 

Thankfully, there was a T-Mobile kiosk at my local Costco, and it was still open in the evening. They explained that I had a bad SIM card and that they would replace it for free. 


They told me it might take a few minutes and I would have to wait. I thought, “No big deal, at least it will be fixed soon.” 

But when I sat down to wait, I realized I couldn’t call anyone, text anyone, check my social media, catch up on emails, play Scrabble or Solitaire, listen to a podcast, listen to a book on Audible, check my grocery list, or even check the time. 

This is when I came to the realization that I AM ADDICTED TO MY PHONE.

I felt myself pacing around the T-Mobile kiosk like a lion on the Serengeti.

After several unsuccessful attempts to “authorize” the SIM card, the salesperson appeared confused and a little sheepish. She was unable to reach anyone because it was “after hours.”

She said that I could “try again in the morning.” 

If I had not been heading straight home, I would not have been able to use my GPS to get to my next location.

It was a harsh realization of how truly dependent I am on this tiny but mighty device. 

After an hour on the phone this morning getting my new SIM card authorized, I am “back in business.” 

Having to rethink my relationship with my phone addiction, I was reminded of an episode of The OverThinker’s Guide To Joy that I recorded about addiction. You can listen to it here or wherever you get your podcasts. 

If you are struggling with something that feels like addiction, let’s chat. You can schedule time with me right here for a free mini-session. 

Have an awesome day!


#lifecoach #lifecoaching #theoverthinkersguidetojoy #cellphoneaddiction 

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