
Are You Afraid To Fail?

January 26, 2022

Do you know what most human beings FEAR the most?

I’m not talking about phobias like snakes, spiders, and heights. I am talking about what people are most AFRAID of in their everyday lives.

The #1 Fear is Failure. 

I know this first hand because a few years ago, I left a 30-plus year career in the television business to start something totally new. I wasn’t even sure what that SOMETHING was. 

I started writing a book, which became a blog
I learned to meditate.
I became a certified yoga teacher.
I became a certified Life Coach. 
I built my own website.
I learned about social media marketing.
I launched a podcast.
I built a coaching practice. 

Two and a half years later I have coached over 100 clients…. and I am just getting started.

Every step of the way I was afraid.
Afraid of doing something wrong… especially anything that required tech.
Afraid of wasting time.
Afraid of wasting money. 

But mostly, I was afraid to FAIL… but I didn’t let it stop me. 

We are told to work hard, stay humble, and AVOID FAILURE at all costs. 

Whether it is on a test, a performance, a job interview, a relationship, and/or a business endeavor. 

The message is always: DON’T SCREW UP. DON’T FAIL. 

But I believe the message is flawed. 

When we become SO afraid to fail, we become paralyzed and we stop trying. We give up on our dreams.

Fear of Failure is tied to so many other things:
Fear of Embarrassment.
Fear of Judgment.
Fear of Rejection. 

But FAILURE is NOT the enemy. 

Failure is our BEST teacher, and it is simply part of the journey. 

“There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.”-Paul Coehlo

Happy Wednesday!
xo, Jackie

P.S. Is fear holding you back from your dreams? If so, I can help. I will help you overcome your fears and get your dreams back on track. You can schedule your consultation with me here. 

P.P.S. If you would like to learn more about fear of failure, check out my latest podcast episode on The OverThinkers Guide to Joy on Apple, Spotify, or YouTube or by clicking here

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