
Are You Kind To Yourself?

July 3, 2024

I will admit that I am my own worst critic. 

This is true for most overachievers, people-pleasers, and perfectionists.

But I wasn’t even aware of it until my friend and yoga teacher called me out for being too self-deprecating. He said, “Don’t talk about my friend that way.” 

It stopped me in my tracks because, until that moment, I hadn’t realized it was a lifelong habit. 

Negative self-talk stems from our internal judge, aka our inner critic. 

It might be a defense mechanism, a coping mechanism, or the result of bad messaging from our youth.

Negative self-talk keeps us from living up to our true potential, and most of us don’t even realize we are doing it!

In today’s episode of The Overthinker’s Guide to Joy podcast (EPISODE 100!!!), I  discuss why we are so hard on ourselves and how to break this habit. You can listen here or wherever you get your podcasts. 

Happy Wednesday!
xo, Jackie

P.S. Would you like to learn how to become your own best cheerleader instead of your harshest critic? If so, click here to schedule your free 1:1 mini-coaching session with me, and let’s start changing that voice in your head right now. 

#lifecoach #lifecoaching #innercritic #theoverthinkersguidetojoy #selfcompassion #perfectionists #overthinker #peoplepleaser 

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