
Are You OverScheduled?

January 21, 2022

“I am SOOO busy!!”

This was my mantra for years. I used to be so busy managing my television career, my family, my home, and my friends, that I felt like I was just a hamster on a wheel. 

If multitasking and scheduling were an Olympic sport, I would have received a gold medal. But it wasn’t… and I didn’t. 

I thought the television industry created this multi-tasking beast inside of me, but when I finally left the industry, I realized that I was still the same old OverScheduled, OverCommitted,  and OverObligated person. 

Busyness had become part of my identity. I believed it was a Badge of Honor, but I was wrong. It was just a bad habit that resulted in burnout. 

People use Busyness as an excuse for everything:
-Sorry I was late, I was SOOO busy.
-Sorry I didn’t make it to that event, I was SOOO busy.
-Sorry I can’t stay, I am SOOO busy.
-Sorry I didn’t complete that task/job/assignment, I was SOOO busy. 

Busyness is not just a habit, it is often an avoidance mechanism. It can be a way to avoid examining our own thoughts and feelings. We THINK it is easier to be busy than to look inwards, so we just keep running, juggling, and avoiding. 

However, when we indulge in this habit of being TOO busy, we overtax our nervous systems. We skip self-care (eating properly, getting enough rest, and exercising), and we end up with insomnia, fatigue, anxiety, and/or poor health. We avoid learning what we really want and need. 

Everyone’s ‘busy’ looks different. Yours may manifest as Workaholism or OverScheduling or OverCommitting. If you feel like you are a victim of your own Busyness, then it’s time to make some changes. 

This is what I did when I shed my ‘Perpetual Busyness,’ and learned to prioritize my self-care. I found a different way to work, live, and play. This is an option for you too… and YOU deserve to be happy!

Happy Wednesday!
xo, Jackie

P.S. If you would like to learn how to reduce your Busyness and improve your happiness, I invite you to schedule a consultation with me here.

P.P.S. If you would like to learn more about this, check out my latest podcast episode on The OverThinkers Guide to Joy on Apple or Spotify or by clicking here

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