
Are You Throwing In The Towel In December?

December 6, 2023

Well well well or Ho Ho Ho,  it’s already December!

And that means we are wrapping up the year and getting ready for the last leg of the holiday season. 

I know many people love this time of year.

They look forward to the decorations, the lights, the food, the shopping, the parties, seeing family, and possibly having a vacation break. 

But for others, December can be very confronting.

Cold weather, shorter days, less sunlight, and the stress of the holidays (the food, the shopping, the parties, and seeing family) can lead to feelings of anxiety or the blues. 

And, of course, if you dealing with a difficult circumstance such as the loss of a job, a relationship, a loved one, or not feeling your best, December can amplify those feelings of grief.

There is a tendency to think, “I will just deal with it in the New Year.”

But I believe there is a better plan. 

Whether you are a holiday season lover or a holiday avoider, I think December should not be wasted. 

YOUR days are valuable. 

YOU are valuable. 

You don’t have to wait for the New Year to start something new. 

You can start making changes today. 

In today’s episode of “The OverThinker’s Guide To Joy,” I talk about 5 simple things you can do to start making a positive change in your life right now. 

You can listen here or wherever you get your podcasts. 

In the spirit of the holidays, I am offering 20% off all of my coaching packages. This is $1000 savings for my 6-month package. 

Schedule your free consultation here or drop me a note and we’ll schedule it together. 

Happy Wednesday!
xo, Jackie

#lifecoach #lifecoaching #theoverthinkersguidetojoy #December #holidays #stress #stressless #anxiety 

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