
BFFs – Best Friends Forever

October 30, 2024

I’ve experienced some incredible highs and lows over the past week, and if you follow me on FB or IG, you know what I’m talking about.

First, thank you to my friends, clients, and readers who’ve cheered me on through the launch of my book, written thoughtful reviews, and shown such incredible support.

I also want to thank everyone who reached out with kindness when I recently lost my precious fur baby, Blaze. The outpouring of love through the highs and the lows has been nothing short of amazing.

It’s hard to explain when your heart feels both full and broken at the same time. My friends and family have been helping me navigate these emotionally murky waters.

But I know this isn’t always the case. Many of my friends and clients have been struggling with changes in their friendships due to growing apart or misunderstandings—I’ve been there, too.

You can listen to the episode here or wherever you get your podcasts. 

Wishing you a happy Wednesday!

P.S. If you are struggling with a change in your life, let’s chat. You can schedule a free discovery call with me here. 

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