


Change is an inevitable part of life, and we must adapt to it like we do to the changes in weather and seasons. When I retired from the television business six years ago, I spent a year figuring out my next chapter. After I discovered coaching, everything clicked into place. So, in my mid-50s, I embarked on a…


Wellness Wednesday

Welcome to Wellness Wednesday! It is kind of like my version of Black Friday or Cyber Monday but for your personal well-being.  If you have been wrestling with something in your career, relationships, or health, but have been afraid to take action… now is the time! In the spirit of the holidays, I am offering a 20% discount…


One Little Trick to Help You Sleep Better

I have always struggled with sleep.  When I was younger, my issue was falling asleep.  I would crawl into bed and the “spinning” would begin. And by spinning, I mean overanalyzing every little thing that happened in my day. This accomplished absolutely nothing, except making me more anxious about getting enough sleep for the next day. …


Lessons I Learn From My Dog

They say a dog is “Man’s Best Friend.”  But when a WOMAN has a dog, I think the bond is even greater.  My eldest daughter refers to my dog as “The Favorite Child.” She still insists that he was her ‘replacement’ when she went off to college 10 years ago and that he is totally spoiled. …