
Create Peace With One Simple Habit

October 2, 2024

As many of you know, I strongly believe in the power of a routine and good daily habits.

These daily practices give me a sense of structure, control, and achievement.

One of my daily habits is journaling.

Journaling is different from creative writing. It doesn’t require a formal education, a love of literature, spelling or grammatical skills, or even a pretty notebook.

While journaling can help organize your thoughts and ideas or inspire poetry, lyrics, or even a book, it doesn’t have to be anything except a “thought dump.”

It provides a space for the noise, thoughts, and feelings swirling around in your brain.

It’s like taking out the trash.

Journaling is a healthy way to process persistent, ruminating feelings of doubt, confusion, or frustration without rules, apologies, or fear of retaliation.

And best of all, there’s no judgment.

Whether you’ve tried journaling or not, grab a notebook, notepad, or computer and start writing whatever comes to mind.

Don’t edit, don’t stop, don’t worry about what others might think—just let it rip. 

Warning: Keeping a journal may result in improved mood, better sleep, and reduced irritability. 😉

In today’s episode of The Overthinker’s Guide to Joy podcast, I discuss my lifelong relationship with journaling and some of the discoveries I made along the way.

You can listen to the episode here or wherever you get your podcasts.

If you are ready to find more solutions to create peace and joy, you can schedule a free conversation with me here.

Happy Wednesday!


#lifecoach #lifecoaching #theoverthinkersguidetojoy #happier #journaling #thepowerofjournaling 

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