
Do You Feel Judged?

April 7, 2022

Judgment can be such a loaded word. 

It can be everything from an important decision made by the Supreme Court…

To idle gossip about somebody you barely know. 

Everyone has that friend or relative who is super judgmental.  You feel like nothing you ever do is right or you are always being picked apart. 

Judgment isn’t always a bad thing.

In fact, it is an important survival mechanism for our species. It’s crucial to have good judgment when it comes to making big decisions… especially decisions about your own safety and health.

But when judgment just becomes a bad habit, it can be a liability to the quality of your everyday life.

When we are judged by others, it is usually a sign of someone else’s insecurities or jealousy. But the same is true for us when we are being “judge-y.”

When we focus on the imperfections or shortcomings of others, it is because we feel insecure in ourselves. 

Those who are the most judgmental are often the hardest on themselves. 

In order to change this habit, we need to practice more self-compassion and focus our energy inwards.

In other words, we need to clean up our side of the street first. 

When we become less judgmental of ourselves and others, we become more open to receiving love, connection, and greater success.

In today’s episode of “The OverThinker’s Guide To Joy” podcast, I talk all about how judgment might be getting in the way of your success. You can listen to it on Apple, Spotify, YouTube or the link in bio. 

Happy Wednesday!

xo, Jackie

P.S. If you would like help feeling less judged or “judge-y,” send me a DM and we can set up a consultation. 

#judgment #judgmental #TheOverThinkersGuideToJoy #lifecoaching #lifecoach #coaching #anxietyreduction #stressrelief #happier

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