
Do You Focus on Criticism or Compliments?

November 15, 2023

Why is it when ONE person makes a negative comment about us, it becomes the ONLY thing we focus on?

No matter how many compliments we might get on a new outfit, a new haircut, or a job well done, we tend to only pay attention to that one criticism rather than the dozens of accolades. 

What is up with that?

Well my friend, that is our reptilian brain trying to protect us from danger.

But let’s be honest, not that many of us are running from lions, tigers or bears in modern day society.  

And yet, our brain thinks we always need to be on high alert. 

For perfectionists, people pleasers, and others suffering from similar syndromes, criticism is our kryptonite. 

No matter how much achieve…

No matter how many friends we have…

No matter how many compliments we get… 

We tend to hone in on that ONE snarky comment that we perceive as criticism.

And then we spiral. Or spin. Or ruminate. Or overthink. 

If this sounds familiar, you must check out today’s episode on “The OverThinker’s Guide to Joy” podcast, where I talk about how to retrain your brain to stop letting criticism get the best of you. 

You can listen here or wherever you get your podcasts. 

If overthinking, ruminating, or spiraling over criticism is keeping you from living your best life, then let’s chat. You can schedule a time right here or send me a note and we’ll find a time together. 

Happy Wednesday!

xo, Jackie

#lifecoach #lifecoaching #overthinking #theoverthinkersguidetojoy #happier #lessstress 

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