
Empty Nesting

September 7, 2022

It has been two weeks since I became an Empty Nester, and I have to admit, it feels really weird.

On the one hand, I am super proud of my youngest daughter for going off to college.

On the other hand, I find myself walking in circles thinking that I have forgotten something.

I forgot my children don’t live here anymore. 

I wrongly assumed that Empty Nesting would be like having a vacation from my responsibilities.

I thought I would magically transform into a different person.

Someone with more of a “devil may care” attitude or a “throw caution to the wind” kind of girl.

But alas, I am still the same person… just without one of my favorite people living under my roof.

Empty Nesting is one of those life cycle events that involve BIG changes.

And while change is hard, I know that it will eventually lead to growth.

This is true no matter what Life Cycle event you might be going through. 

On today’s podcast of The OverThinker’s Guide to Joy, I share my process of navigating through the Empty Nest syndrome. You can listen to it by clicking here or any of these links on Apple, Spotify, or YouTube.  

If you are struggling through Empty Nest or some other kind of life change, I would love to help. You can schedule a consultation with me by simply clicking 

Happy Wednesday!
xo, Jackie

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