
Finding Joy

February 23, 2022

It happens to all of us. 

We lose a job. 
We go through a break-up. 
Someone is sick. 
We lose a loved one. 

Or maybe it’s a perfect storm of so many different things. 

As a result, we lose our motivation, and along with that, we lose our joy. 

We cannot seem to remember what once made us happy. 

The loss of joy seems to be more prevalent than ever. Exacerbated by two years into a pandemic, wintertime, and so much isolation… it can feel endless. 

But you are not lost… and you are NOT alone. 

You have just taken a little detour because of a circumstance or a series of circumstances. 

Joy still lives inside of you. You just need to reignite your pilot light. 

Small changes can make BIG differences. 

Sometimes it is as simple as reconnecting with something joyful from your past…

A hobby, a passion, an old friend. 

Or maybe it’s just starting something new…

Playing a sport, taking a class, planning a trip somewhere you have never been. 

Feeling joyless is NOT your new normal.

Joy has not left you. It is just waiting for you to invite it to come out and play.

In today’s episode of The OverThinkers Guide to Joy podcast, I talk about a few simple steps to reignite YOUR joy. 

Happy Wednesday! 

P.S. If you have been struggling with reconnecting with the JOY in your life, let’s set up a call to talk about coaching. I would love to help you. 

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