
Give Yourself A Break

October 13, 2021

Are you an OverDoer? 

Are you an “All-or-Nothing” kind of person? 

The one with two speeds: HyperDrive and Collapse. 

OverDoers come in all shapes and sizes:

-The social animal who is always overbooked. 
-The perpetual traveler who is always packing and unpacking.
-The workaholic who buries themselves in their job. 
-The hyperactive who can’t sit still.
-The gamer who always needs to be playing something.
-The athlete who always needs to be training or competing.

The OverDoer likes to be busy, occupied, and always engaged.

The OverDoer might reap rewards from their overdoing:

Avoiding boredom. Being productive. Making money. Garnering attention or accolades. 

It’s great when it works, but overdoing can also have serious consequences…


Humans are not designed to run our engines into the ‘Red Zones.’

The OverDoer may not know how to “slow their roll” or “turn down the volume.” 

They fear if they slow down, they will lose momentum or come to a complete halt by admitting pure exhaustion. 

I know because I am a Recovering OverDoer.  

Learning to take a regular pause is key to avoiding burnout. 

The “annual vacation” is a great start, but it’s not going to recharge your battery for the other 358 days a year. 

Taking a pause is a daily practice.

If you would like to learn more about The Power of the Pause, check out my latest podcast episode by listening here.

If you would like help in creating more balance in your life, I invite you to schedule a free consultation with me here.

Happy Wednesday!

xo, Jackie

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