
Gratitude is a Superpower

November 3, 2021

When ONE thing isn’t going well, it’s easy to think that NOTHING is going well.

I know because MY own brain wants to hijack all the good things when I focus on the one thing that is NOT working. 

With Halloween being over, there are basically three days left in the year: Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Eve. 🙂

Everyone feels pressure to be productive before the year ends, but things don’t always go as planned. 

So, how do we avoid the trap of feeling like we are failing at everything?

The simple answer is GRATITUDE. 

By changing our focus from what is NOT working to what IS working,
We change the energy in our bodies. 

When we change the energy in our bodies,
We change our outlook and our outcome. 

We simply attract MORE of what is good and LESS of what is negative. 

It can be difficult to crawl out of a dark place when we feel alone with our negative thoughts. 

Gratitude is a powerful hack to creating the light at the end of the proverbial tunnel. 

Here is a simple exercise:

Close your eyes.
Think of 3 things that you are grateful for right now. 
Something big or something small. 
Lift the corners of your mouth (smile).
Sit in the energy of those happy thoughts for a moment or two. 

This is the Power of Gratitude. 

If you would like to learn more about this superpower, I invite you to listen to this week’s podcast episode HERE

Everything is NOT going wrong… you just need to turn on your light by focusing on what IS going right. 

Happy Wednesday!
xo, Jackie

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