Every Year Is A New Beginning

Happy New Year!

January 1, 2025

Here we are on the first day of 2025! Let the New Year’s resolutions begin. 

Most of us will be detoxing from the usual overindulgence of the holiday season: overeating, overdrinking, and/or overspending.

I will be taking a much-needed break from the endless parade of baked goods that have darkened my doorstep for the last few weeks. 

But, I don’t believe in New Year’s resolutions.

I believe in setting intentions and goals and enjoy starting the new year by choosing a word or mantra. 

On today’s episode of The Overthinker’s Guide to Joy podcast, I talk about MY word of the year and the mantra I have chosen for 2025. You can listen to the episode here or wherever you get your podcasts. 

Our thoughts and our words have more power than you think.

If you have goals for the new year, sometimes it starts with a simple thought, and repeating that every day can begin to shape your new reality. 

As a coach, I help people set goals and make changes in their lives. If you are looking to make a change in your life, let’s chat.

You can schedule a free call with me here. 

Wishing you more joy, good health, and prosperity in 2025!

Happy New Year!


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#happier #stressless #motivation #lifehack #NewYearsResolutions #wordoftheyear

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