
Help Yourself

September 1, 2021

Summer is almost over and Labor Day weekend is upon us. 

For those who traveled this summer, went to concerts, and/or restaurants, it felt like a glorious collective EXHALE. It was ALMOST as if things were returning to ‘NORMAL.’

But Covid is spiking, and once again, everyone is divided as to what is safe and what is not. 

People are tired of staring at screens all day, but they fear going back to big offices.
People are tired of being isolated, but they fear getting sick. 
People are tired of wearing masks, but without mandatory vaccines, we need protection.

So how do we handle all the collective stress along with our overwhelming thoughts and feelings?

It starts with Self-Love and Self-Care. 

I know that might sound simplistic and selfish, but if we don’t take care of ourselves, we cannot take care of others. 

By healing one person at a time, we can have a profound impact on the rest of the world. 

Thought leaders, great teachers, doctors, nurses, and captains of industry cannot help others unless they help themselves first.

The same goes for you.

You cannot parent, run a business, be a good partner, or be a good employee if you don’t care for yourself first. 

So how do we accomplish this when the demands on our time are relentless? 

We do it in small ways first. These are some of my favorite tricks:

1) Set an intention for your day: Identify at least one thing you want to accomplish each day.
2) Plan something that makes you happy each day: Exercise. Chat with a friend. Start a hobby.
3) Spend time in nature: Sit in your backyard. Take a walk in a park. 
4) Pause: Meditate. Power Nap. Sit in your car and listen to music. 

Another one of my favorite things is to eat lunch outside in the sunshine or in the shade. Taking a break from my phone and my computer for even 10 minutes can make a difference.

The world needs you! But it starts with your own well-being first. When you take time to recharge, you are in a much better position to help others. 

Self-care is not Selfish. 

Happy Wednesday!
xo, Jackie

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