
How To Manage Empathy Overload

August 18, 2021

Are you suffering from empathy overload?

We all do our best to provide comfort and support where we can, but it is easy to feel buried under the weight of compassion, sympathy, and empathy. 

Empathy is an important virtue that bonds us to others. But when we go into empathy overload, we can often feel helpless and hopeless. If those feelings are left unmonitored, they can easily show up as something else…


We feel guilty for not being able to do more. 

We feel guilty for not being able to solve all the problems of others.

We feel guilty that others are suffering. 

And sometimes that guilt gets weaponized and we turn it against ourselves. We consciously, or subconsciously, start to feel guilty for our OWN health and happiness. 

It’s a version of ‘Survivor’s Guilt.’

You don’t have to have survived a war or a natural disaster to experience it. It can happen when a friend loses their job, goes through a divorce, or even when their dog dies.

But here’s the thing, our friends and loved ones don’t benefit from our pity nor our suffering alongside them.

They need our support. 

They need our inspiration. 

They need our strength. 

They need us to hold space for them… by sending love and hope. 

But as the saying goes, you cannot help others until you…

 ‘Put On Your Own Oxygen Mask First.’

This start with Self-Care:

-Eating well

-Drinking plenty of water

-Getting a good night’s rest


-Making time to do things you love (read, listen to music, watch TV, visit with friends)

-Getting support if YOU need someone to talk to

Self-care is not selfish. It is how we help ourselves in order to help others. 🙂

Happy Wednesday!


P.S. If you are suffering from empathy overload and in need of support, I would love to help. You can schedule time with me right now by clicking here for a free consultation. 

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