
How To Stress Less This Holiday

November 27, 2024

Thanksgiving is almost here, and for many of us, that means a mix of excitement, stress, and everything in between. 

Whether you’re rushing around shopping, cooking, traveling, or simply trying to avoid that one awkward conversation at the dinner table, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. 

And if you’re not celebrating or this holiday brings up tough emotions, that’s okay, too. Wherever you find yourself, I want to offer a little support.

This week on The Overthinker’s Guide to Joy podcast, I’m sharing Part Two of my series on grief—this time focusing on losing a job or career identity. I had the privilege of speaking with Laverne McKinnon, an executive coaching colleague, who offered incredible insights into navigating this type of loss. 

You can listen to the episode here or wherever you get your podcasts. 

If job loss or career identity resonates with you or someone you know, this episode is worth listening to. 

As we approach Thanksgiving, I invite you to take a moment to pause—amid the rushing, the planning, or even the quiet. Maybe it’s savoring your favorite dish, hugging someone you love, or simply stepping outside for a breath of fresh air.

Gratitude is about those little moments, not perfection.

Wherever you are, you’re enough, just as you are.

Wishing you a joyful and peaceful holiday,


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