
How Was Your 2023?

December 27, 2023

As this year comes to an end, it is natural to look forward to the upcoming new year.

The promise of a fresh start. 

But if we have had any hardships over the past year, our focus can easily go to the things that went wrong. 

We tend to chalk it all up as a “bad year.”

Whether it is the loss of a job, a loved one, a health issue, or some other circumstance, the bad stuff will always take center stage…

And the good stuff will be easily forgotten.

So if you are ending the year with the thought, “Goodbye and good riddance,” I want to offer you an exercise to help ensure a more successful start to the new year. 

Without diminishing any grief or struggles of the past year, can you make a list of what did go well this year? Or try answering these questions below. 

Did you see any old friends? 

Did you make any new ones?

Did you overcome a health challenge?

Did you find support from a community when you needed it?

Did anyone give you an unexpected gift?

Did you go anywhere that brought you joy?

What are you most proud of this past year?

What did you learn that was valuable?

What are you most grateful for right now?

After answering these questions, did you feel any shift in your energy?

If you found any peace or joy in answering even one of these questions, then hold onto that goodness and carry it forward into 2024. 

This is gratitude.

Gratitude is the most powerful tool for attracting health, wealth, and happiness. 

So, start the new year out right.

Not with running from what was, but having gratitude for what is. Big or small. 

Happy New Year to one and all. 

xo, Jackie

P.S. Are you ready to start your new year with new tools for success? If so, coaching might be right for you. You can schedule your free consultation with me here, or send me a message and we’ll find a time together. 

#lifecoach #lifecoaching #newyear #holidays #mindset #gratitude #theoverthinkersguidetojoy #stressless #happier #success 

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