

July 31, 2024

Eight years ago, my husband and I sold our home in Los Angeles to a couple who were engaged to be married.

We were thrilled to sell our house to a couple starting their new life together, just as we did as newlyweds.

We had never met them before we went into escrow, and I didn’t imagine seeing them after we sold our home. However, a few years later, we reconnected when I found out the woman, Jamie Berman, and I had started new careers as life coaches. 

Since then, we have stayed in touch and developed many of the same friends and colleagues. She and her husband bought a second home in Maui, and now we see each other whenever they are here.

People often ask us how we came to live on Maui, and we both say, “We manifested it.” 

Manifestation is a big part of the coaching process. Many people mistake manifestation for a wish or a dream, but that is only the first step.

On today’s episode of “The Overthinker’s Guide to Joy” podcast, I had the pleasure of interviewing Jamie about her work as a Manifestation Coach and what it takes to manifest your dreams. 

You can listen here or wherever you get your podcasts. 

Happy Wednesday!

xo, Jackie 

P.S. Are you ready to manifest something special in your life? I would love to help you. You can schedule your free consultation with me here

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