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Maui Fires

August 16, 2023

We are safe and grateful to be back home. 

But as you all know, thousands of people were not so lucky. Parts of the island have been devastated. Many people lost their lives, their homes, and their businesses, and still don’t have water, power, or cell service. 

It is going to be a long road to recovery for the west side of the island and some parts of upcountry.

So for those of you who have asked me, “How can I help?” I have dedicated this week’s episode of The OverThinker’s Guide To Joy to the wildfires on Maui and how you CAN help. 

You can listen to the episode here or wherever you get your podcasts. Please share it with friends who want to help as well. 

FYI – I am offering a FREE coaching session to anyone who is a Maui resident and needs support through this crisis. This is not a consultation, it is just a donation of support.  If you are a Maui resident or know someone who is, you can schedule time your free session with me here or send me a message. 

With Aloha, 


#lifecoach #lifecoaching #maui #mauifires #theoverthinkersguidetojoy #mauihumanesociety #mauifoodbank #mauistrong #support 

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