
May You Be Happy

January 24, 2024

For any of you who know me or have worked with me, you know how important meditation is to my daily routine. 

It never ceases to amaze me how many of my clients will be eager to make big and small changes in their lives, but a meditation practice seems to be the hardest one to integrate. 

I was chatting with an old friend yesterday, and she happens to be one of the most disciplined people I know. She is wildly successful in her career, watches what she eats, and exercises daily, but simply cannot sit still for five minutes and be alone with her thoughts. 

I get it. I was the same way. 

But when I consciously stopped being an adrenaline junkie and wanted to find more inner peace and creativity, it started with learning to meditate. 

Now I couldn’t imagine starting my day without it, any more than I would consider leaving the house without brushing my teeth. 

So I thought I would just share one of my favorite guided meditations. Whether you already have a meditation practice or fall into the category of those who “just can’t sit still with your eyes closed for five minutes,” I challenge you to try this.

Find a comfortable seat with your spine upright. Feel free to support your back. Get comfy!

Then close your eyes or simply lower your gaze to avoid visual distractions and repeat these words in your mind or aloud:

-May I Be Healthy
-May I Be Happy
-May I Be Safe
-May I Live With Ease and Free From Harm

Don’t worry about getting the exact words or order right. You can also just read it from this email.

Now I want you to imagine people that you love or care about. 
Your partner. Your children. Your dog or cat. Your BFF.  

And say it again, but with one modification:
-May You Be Healthy
-May You Be Happy
-May You Be Safe
-May You Live With Ease and Free From Harm

Now if that worked for you, you can challenge yourself to do one more.

This is the harder one.

Imagine sending out this message to everyone in the world… even those who may have intentionally or unintentionally hurt you or those that you love. 

This is the practice of Forgiveness and Compassion.

While it can be VERY uncomfortable at first, it has immense healing power. 

-May You Be Healthy
-May You Be Happy
-May You Be Safe
-May You Live With Ease and Free From Harm

How do you feel? I would love to hear from those of you who gave this a try. 

If you would like to learn more tools to reduce stress and find more joy in your life, let’s chat. You can schedule time with me here, or send me a message and we’ll find a time together. 

Happy Wednesday!
Xo, Jackie

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