
My One Regret…

November 20, 2024

Writing and publishing my first book, The Overthinker’s Guide to Joy, has been a dream come true—and one of my proudest accomplishments this year.

But I do have one tiny regret, which I suspect I will hear about for the rest of my life.

Whenever I’m stressed, can’t sleep, or feel a little out of sorts, my husband has a new favorite line:

“You should check that new book with the bright green cover—I hear there is a chapter for that.”

It’s the most lovely backhanded compliment and a great reminder that the tools I recommend actually work—even when I need a reminder myself.

So, if you need to find your joy or know someone who does, grab a copy or gift one using link in bio. 

Already read it? If so, I’d love it if you leave me a review on Amazon so others can find it, too.

Happy Wednesday!

xo, Jackie

P.S. Feeling stuck? Let’s work together to get you unstuck. Book your free consultation today—I’d love to help.

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#joy #happier #lessstress #worklifebalance #Overthinkers #mindfulness #stressmanagement #stressless

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