Negativity Bias

January 17, 2024

Do you ever find yourself having a perfectly good day? The sun is shining, you have been super productive, and you are feeling energetic and generally positive. 

But then you get a text or a call from someone that they are canceling your plans.

You feel disappointed because you were looking forward to those plans or perhaps you simply organized your day around this event. 

While rationally, you know it’s not a big deal, it still feels like a “record scratch” on your perfect day. And then your mind starts wandering to other sources of irritation.

-You don’t know what to make for dinner, and you have no groceries. 

-That important business contact hasn’t called you back yet.

-There was a party that you didn’t get invited to. 

-The conversation you had yesterday may have been misinterpreted. 

-You remembered that you need to prep your taxes. 

And suddenly, your good mood has turned into a bad one.

And now, EVERYTHING is bugging you. 

This is called Negativity Bias, and it happens to ALL of us some of the time.

But for some of us, it happens way more often than we would like.

Negativity Bias is like a magnet. Once it is switched on, it looks for and attracts more negativity into our world. It’s like a really good trial attorney trying to “build a case,” on why things suck. 

The origin of Negativity Bias is part of our primitive brain. It was originally designed to keep us safe.But in Modern-Day society, it doesn’t serve us in the same way, it just makes us feel bad. 

In today’s episode of “The OverThinker’s Guide To Joy” podcast, I give you some simple tips to help control that impulse of Negativity Bias. You can listen here or wherever you get your podcasts. 

If negative thought loops are something you are struggling with, let’s chat. You can schedule time with me here, or send me a message and we’ll find a time together. 

Happy Wednesday!

Xo, Jackie

#lifecoach #lifecoaching #theoverthinkersguidetojoy #negativity #negativitybias #happier #lessstress #perfectionism 

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