
Plugging Back In

October 20, 2022

I am back from vacation. 

23 days.
9 cities.
6 flights.
2 car rentals.
1 train.
Ubers/Taxis and a LOT of walking.

It was a great vacation. It was the perfect blend of family, friends, and alone time with my husband.

Our intention was to get away and completely unplug from work and our normal routines. I am happy to say: Mission Accomplished.

But now there is the re-entry.

The gearing up after the winding down.

It’s back to real life with grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning, laundry, and back to work.

Even sitting down to write my weekly newsletter today felt a little daunting.

How can I possibly write anything coherent after 3 1/2 weeks of doing nothing but consuming bread, pizza, pasta, gelato, and wine? (Yes, we were in Italy for much of our vacation.)

I believe the key to plugging back in effectively is to do it with self-compassion.

With 12 hours of jet lag and a long To-Do list, I am giving myself permission to ease back into it.

I am starting with the basics: drinking water, eating healthier, exercising, and getting plenty of rest.

I know that plugging back in is something my clients struggle with too.

Whether you are returning from vacation, maternity leave, getting married, getting divorced, or dealing with elderly parents, it is natural to worry about getting back into your regular groove.

We feel compelled to make up for the lost time. To hit the ground running at full speed. We often don’t practice self-compassion, but it is so important.

When we listen to our bodies and our emotional needs, we show up better for ourselves, for others, and for our jobs too.

So, take a deep breath and a big exhale, and then ask yourself: 

“What do I need today?”

Happy Wednesday!
xo, Jackie

P.S. If you need help finding more self-compassion in your life, let’s chat. You can schedule a free consultation with me right here.

P.P.S. I am practicing self-compassion by forgiving myself for any grammatical errors and typos today too. 🙂

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