
Sometimes Less Is More

January 12, 2022

As someone who loves walking through forests, admiring beautifully landscaped gardens, and eating fresh vegetables, I do NOT have a green thumb.

I have what is known as a black thumb or a “numb thumb.”

I have never successfully grown an edible vegetable nor maintained an herb garden. 

I live on a beautiful property with hundreds of mature trees and plants, and I am cannot take credit for any of them. Not planting nor maintaining them. 

My only “vegetation” responsibility is the ONE small houseplant in my office… and admittedly, I have ALMOST killed it several times.

But, I am VERY invested in the well-being of this plant. I feel compelled to “fix it” every time it drops a leaf or gets a brown spot. 

Subsequently, I end up overwatering it, transplanting it, and moving it around too much.

Thus… almost killing it.

Nature can be our best teacher. My ONE plant has taught me a lot about patience and letting things be. 

I see this same pattern of overthinking and lack of patience with some of my clients too.

-Those who adopt a new eating program want the immediate result of losing 20 pounds. 

-Those who start new businesses want immediate financial success. 

-Those who start dating again, after a long hiatus, expect to find their soulmate after two dates.

When we try TOO hard, we block the natural ebb and flow of life. 

This is exactly what I was doing with my ONE and ONLY houseplant. 

Have you ever been TOO invested in “succeeding, saving or rescuing” something?

This is where we hinder growth. 

If we just do our best, take a deep breath, and let things unfold… Magic Happens. 

We need to give things love and attention, but also time and space to succeed. 

Happy Wednesday!

xo, Jackie

P.S. If you are finding that things are not flowing, growing, or working out the way you would like, I would love to help you create new results in your life. You can schedule a consult with me through my website here or by sending me a message. 

P.P.S. If you want to hear more about my “tragically black thumb,” check out today’s latest podcast episode on The OverThinker’s Guide to Joy on Apple, Spotify or YouTube. 

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