
Spring: The Season of Reinvention

March 20, 2024

We just returned from visiting our three daughters in Oregon over the long weekend. And yes, it is a beautiful and weird coincidence that they all live within an hour of each other. 

We spent time together eating, drinking, laughing, walking and talking. It was awesome!

But another unexpected delight of our trip was the early bloom of the cherry blossoms, which got me thinking…

When we settle into our routines and think “winter” will never end, change happens. Sometimes, when we least expect it. 

And like the cherry blossoms themselves, they don’t last forever, so we must relish their beauty when they appear.

Spring is a time for renewal and reinvention. This is true of human emotions and activities, too.

People often feel energized and inspired to embark on new endeavors or revitalize existing ones.

I am excited to spend more time outdoors and eat healthier after indulging in my recent long weekend.

What about you? 

Where are you ready for a change?

I would love to help. 

Book your free discovery session with me here. You are just one phone call away from starting something extraordinary this spring!

Happy Wednesday!

xo, Jackie

#lifecoach #lifecoaching #spring #springtime #reinvention #stressless #theoverthinkersguidetojoy #happier 

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