

May 29, 2024

SUMMER has arrived! 

Cue the social media posts of brightly painted toes on a chaise lounge, pool floaties, blended cocktails, backyard BBQs, wedding season, families at Disneyland, couples in front of the Eiffel Tower, beach reads, and kids playing in the surf. 

Summer is a time for vacation and play. For kids, it might mean summer camp, swimming pools, beach days, hanging out with friends, and three months of a ‘devil may care’ attitude. 

But as we become adults, it’s hard to recreate the same magic of summer outside of that one or two-week vacation.

Which, by the way, puts way too much pressure on that oh-so-precious vacation to make it “perfect.” God forbid your kids are cranky or you start arguing with your partner.

And then, as adults, we still have jobs for the other ten weeks of summer, not to mention our regular responsibilities of cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping, dishes, errands, and other chores.

So, how do we capture the “magic” of summer without packing it all into that one annual ‘need-to-be-perfect’ vacation?

The answer is to create some “magic” in your everyday life.

Play does not have to be something you do only once a year on vacation. It needs to be incorporated into your daily life.

It doesn’t have to be complicated. Keep it simple…

-Take a walk before you start your day or after dinner

-Listen to a good book on Audible during your commute

-Learn to play a musical instrument

-Try a new sport (pickleball, golf, tennis, pilates, yoga)

-Sign up for salsa dancing

-Start a book club

Survey your friends. What do they do for fun or hobbies?

Having something to look forward to each day or weekend will maintain summer fun all season and may extend into the rest of the year.

Are you ready for summer? Let’s go!

Happy Wednesday!
xo, Jackie

P.S. Are you looking to create more joy in your life? If so, let’s chat. Send me a DM and we will set up a time to chat.

#lifecoach #lifecoaching #summer #summertime #joy #theoverthinkersguidetojoy

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