
The Art of Reframing Your Thoughts

March 2, 2022

For much of my life, I had trouble falling asleep.

I would lay awake at night because I could not seem to shut off my brain. 

My ruminating thoughts would play on a loop, and once they got a hold of me, sleep became elusive. 

However, these negative thoughts didn’t just show up at night, they were a daytime issue too. 

This is what I call a “negative spin cycle.” It is as if our thoughts are stuck in a loop, and it FEELS like there is no way out. 

It wasn’t until I became a life coach that I was introduced to the concept of Thought Work. 

Thought Work is a tool that helps reframe those negative thoughts. 

Learning to reframe your thoughts is a powerful tool available for everyone… and especially useful for OverThinkers. 

In today’s podcast episode of The OverThinker’s Guide To Joy, I will teach you one of the tools that I now use to help manage those pesky “negative thought loops.”

You can listen by clicking here

Happy Wednesday!

xo, Jackie

P.S. If you are tired of your brain hijacking your happiness,  I invite you to schedule a free consultation with me by clicking here.

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