
The Secret to Success

August 25, 2021

The Secret to Success is a much-debated topic and a multi-billion dollar industry. 

The experts will tell you that success requires some combination of the following:







What is the Secret to Success? Or more importantly what defines success?

When I was little, I thought success was defined by gold stars and good grades. 

Later, I believed it was about going to college and landing a good job. 

As an adult, I thought it meant driving a nice car, buying a home, and starting a family.

By those standards, I was quite ‘successful,’ and that only made my discontent even more uncomfortable.

I was envious of others who just seemed to be more content. Not because they had more or less, but just because they were happier in their lives. 

I was determined to figure out ‘The Secret to Success.’ Not the one defined by others, but the one that made people feel more joyful. 

After years of studying the habits of successful people, and working on my own reinvention, I realized success comes from two things:

Consistency and Mindset. 

Consistency is what you must have to achieve any goal. Whether it is a big goal like growing a successful business, writing a novel, winning a prestigious award, or a smaller goal like getting in shape, starting a vegetable garden, or learning to meditate, they all require consistency.

As for Mindset, this was the piece that I was missing in the earlier part of my life.

Having the right mindset is what makes someone enjoy their success or not.

If you are never satisfied with what you have accomplished and are always needing ‘more’ or ‘different,’ then true success will never be attainable.

Gratitude for what you have or have accomplished is the mindset piece

When we have gratitude, we become more content, and we end up attracting even more of the good things.

I believe the most successful people in the world are grateful for what they have, what they do, and where they are in life. No matter what their circumstances are. 

We are only as successful as we think we are.

Are you feeling successful in your life? If not, what area of your life would you like to have more success? 

Reach out to me for a consultation today, I would love to help you get there. 

Happy Wednesday!

xo, Jackie

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