
The Secrets To Success

July 22, 2022

Success is defined in so many different ways.

When I first started working in the television business, I thought I would be successful if I could JUST get my foot in the door.  

It started with an unpaid internship where I would distribute the mail and cover for other secretaries when they would take their breaks. 

I worked hard (for no money), but eventually landed my own desk with an actual salary.

The “glamorous” tasks of being a Hollywood assistant included scheduling meetings, answering phones, running errands, getting coffees and lunches for other people, and picking up dry cleaning. Needless to say, I wanted more.

I thought that if I could just get my own office and have creative responsibilities, I would FINALLY be successful. 

It took me three years to land my first executive job at ABC, where I was given my own office (albeit windowless) and a modicum of creative responsibility.  It was sadly very anti-climactic. 

So, I continued to set more goals. Bigger title. Bigger office (or at least one with a window). Better salary. More autonomy. More recognition. 

After many years of navigating my way through the various network and studio jobs,  I was finally attending red carpet shows, and working my way up through the corporate food chain.

Eventually, I landed the top creative position for a cable network, a corner office (lots of windows), had my own staff, and was instrumental in overseeing dozens of successful shows. 

By most definitions, I finally found success. 

While I don’t think there is a magic recipe for success, I do believe it is some combination of hard work, patience, and perseverance.

And as Woody Allen famously said, “Success is eighty percent showing up.”

But I also believe there is a key mindset piece that is fundamental to achieving success. 

That mindset piece is the subject of today’s podcast episode on The OverThinkers Guide to Joy. You can find it on  AppleSpotify, or YouTube.  

Happy Wednesday and Happy Listening!
xo, Jackie

P.S. If YOU are ready to create MORE success in your life, I can help. You can schedule a consultation with me by clicking here.

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