
‘Tis The Season For Self-Care

December 1, 2021

What officially defines the holiday season?

Is it the moment we start buying HUGE bags of candy for the Trick or Treaters?

Carving a turkey on Thanksgiving (or a Tofurkey if you are vegan)?

Looking for great deals on Black Friday or Cyber Monday?

Lighting candles on Hanukkah or putting up the Christmas tree?

Whatever it is, the holidays are here and there is one month to go before the New Year begins. 

So as we run around decorating, going to holiday parties, shopping, wrapping presents, cooking, eating, drinking, and finishing our year-end work, we are swept up in the obligations of the season. 

Some people love the holidays… and some don’t.

But no matter where you fall on the “holiday spectrum,” they can often conjure up a lot of stress. Both good and bad. 

Whether your stress is triggered by social obligations, gift buying, traveling, decorating, or something more personal, it’s okay… you are NOT alone. 

The pressure to conform to loving EVERYTHING about the holiday season can be exhausting.

Family traditions can feel cozy and comfortable like a warm blanket or sometimes feel like a ‘Beast of Burden.’

IF you are feeling burdened by old traditions or patterns, then I invite you to try something NEW this year.  

Say “YES” to the things that bring you joy… and “NO” to the things that don’t. 

Saying “No” can be a great act of Self-Care, and you don’t have to wait until AFTER the holidays to take care of yourself. 

Self-Care is not just massages and spa days. (Although they are nice too.)

It is about being in touch with your own feelings and desires. 

Self-Care is about setting boundaries and practicing Self-Compassion. 

It is about putting YOURSELF first so that you have more strength and compassion for others. 

Don’t wait until January 1st to start a new routine of Self-Care. 

Start today by asking yourself this question:

What do I WANT or NEED today?

Maybe it’s something simple like a walk, a nap, or time alone to read a good book.

Take it. Do it. Enjoy it. 

Self-Care might be the best present you give (and receive) all season. 

Happy Wednesday!

xo, Jackie

P.S. If you are ready to INVEST in YOURSELF and learn more about putting yourself first, I invite you to schedule your free consultation for life coaching right HERE

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