
What Habit Would You Like To Change?

July 5, 2023

Have you ever found yourself locked in an epic battle with your own bad habits?

You know, those pesky little rascals that sabotage your productivity, test your willpower, and make you question your sanity?

Whether it’s a snooze button addiction, the lure of midnight snacking, or the black hole of social media scrolling, we all have our personal kryptonite.

So often we spend time indulging in our bad habits, then pay for it by self-loathing, and then doubling down on the very habit we are trying to break. 

Whether that is over-eating, over-drinking, or binge-watching tv, we can get into a vicious cycle, and it feels like it is impossible to get off the rollercoaster. 

But chastising yourself for “failing again” is not the answer. 

You need to practice self-compassion, and then get curious about where the habit originated. 

The best way to stop a bad habit is to replace it with a good one, but it’s not an “all or nothing” proposition. The key is to start small. 

When you have the urge to do something that you know is either bad for you or unproductive, ask yourself,  “What healthy or productive choice can I make to distract myself from this negative habit?”

For example, if you are feeling bored and wander into the kitchen to eat some cookies, chips, or ice cream. What else can you do instead?

Perhaps you can take a walk. Call a friend. Tidy the kitchen or even go brush your teeth. Yes, simply brushing your teeth can actually prevent you from mindlessly snacking.

Simply interrupting the neural pathways can be enough to “start breaking the habit” that no longer serves you. 

In the latest episode of The OverThinker’s Guide To Joy podcast, I talk all about breaking BAD habits, and the psychology of replacing them with GOOD ones.  You can listen here or wherever you get your podcasts. 

Happy Wednesday!
xo, Jackie

P.S. If you would like to talk more about a habit or habits that are getting in the way of YOUR best life, you can schedule a free consultation with me here.

#coaching #lifecoaching #habits #theoverthinkersguidetojoy #happier #healthier

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