
What I Did On My Summer Vacation

June 29, 2023

Well, well, well! Look who’s back from her European getaway, or should I say “Covid-cation”!

Turns out, during my delightful two-week summer escapade across the globe, I managed to contract the infamous virus for a solid ten out of fourteen days. Oh, what a splendid way to make memories, right?

I figured after successfully avoiding it for 3.5 years and having endured five vaccinations, I thought I might have been immune to it.

Not so much.

It was right around Day 4 of our European road trip, somewhere between Graz (Austria) and the Dolomites (Italy), I suddenly got chills and terrible body aches. When we finally made it to our hotel, I went to bed and stayed there for two days straight. 

I have not been sick in over four years. Not even a sniffle. So when this virus hit me, it was like being hit by a truck. 

Every time my husband and daughter came in to check in on me and asked if I needed anything, I just remember mumbling, “Nope. Just leave me here so that I can sleep… or die. Either one is fine.”

In hindsight, I realize that might have been a tad overdramatic, but at the time I am pretty sure I meant what I said. 

Needless to say, I survived the 48 hours (or possibly 72) of flu-like symptoms, and then it just turned into just a really annoying head cold for another week, but at least I was upright again. 

The good news was that my husband and daughter did not get sick, and because the weather was beautiful, we were able to be together outside and still visit with all of the extended family that we flew halfway around the world to see. 

Anyone who knows me knows that I don’t love to travel. While I know it is a privilege and I have had the good fortune of having done my fair share of seeing the world, I am basically a homebody.

I love my routines and the creature comforts of home. I have many dear friends, family members, and clients who simply adore traveling, and I love hearing all the stories… but simply don’t have the travel bug myself. 

Basically, I don’t like the logistics of traveling: the packing and unpacking, crowded airports, and the uncertainty of a good night’s sleep due to a variety of circumstances. 

But in spite of my usual reluctance to travel, and then getting sick on top of it, I surprised myself how much I loved our trip.

I was simply awestruck by the beauty and serenity of the alpine villages in both Austria and Germany where we went to see my husband’s cousins.

When you live in Hawaii, you become very spoiled by all of the natural beauty. We are surrounded by our own beautiful forests, beaches, crashing waves, sunsets, and palm trees. It’s kind of hard to top all of that. 

But late Spring/early Summer in the European Alps is like something out of a fairy tale.

The meadows are covered in tall green grass, wildflowers in every color of the rainbow, crystal clear rivers and lakes, and the most adorable horses, cows, sheep, and goats casually roaming the hillsides. All of this beauty is at the base of 10,000-foot granite mountains that remain snow-capped even with 75 temperatures in the valleys.

Time has truly stopped in these magnificent locations. Yes, there are high-speed gondolas that take you up the mountain tops, and some of the former Swiss-chalet-style homes have been replaced with more modern-style architecture, but for the most part, it is like stepping back in time. 

Unlike the big European cities which have now become very touristy, globalized by chain stores, and dominated by American franchises– everything from McDonald’s to Starbucks to Sunglass Huts, the countrysides are quiet, spacious, and pristine. It was truly magical. 

But the whole experience from being a reluctant traveler to getting Covid to recovering enough to walk through the majestic hillsides and visit with my cousins-in-law, I felt truly grateful. 

There is nothing like getting sick to remind you of how lucky we are to feel healthy again. The generosity and kindness of extended family, fresh air, blue skies, and mountains that are close to 770 million years old were the cherries on top. 

So, I am sharing this story in case you are feeling a little “stuck” in your day-to-day life. You don’t need to go halfway around the world to find beauty and gratitude, but stepping out of your comfort zone and getting into nature can truly help you recalibrate your sense of gratitude.

If you would like help with how you might recalibrate joy back into your life, I am back and booking consultations now. Let’s chat.  You can schedule time with me by clicking here

Happy Summer!
xo, Jackie

#lifecoach #lifecoaching #summervacation #gratitude #travel #europe #covid #recalibrate

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