
What Makes You Happy?

April 26, 2023

This past week I was in New York with my eldest brother, David, and we had so much fun!

Everything from attending a Broadway premiere, eating incredible food, admiring the tulips on Park Avenue, seeing the amazing colors in Central Park, and shopping on 5th Avenue. It was pure heaven. 

The truth is I am kind of a homebody and don’t really love to travel. But New York has always felt like my home away from home. I have traveled there dozens of times, and it remains one of my favorite cities in the world. 

So often when we are asked, “What makes YOU happy?”, it is easy to forget. 

This is especially true if you are truly struggling with a particular circumstance:

-Experiencing dissatisfaction at work.

-Dealing with a toxic relationship. 

-Feeling burdened by finances.

-Struggling with a health issue.

But, I think the biggest mistake people make is thinking that being happy is an ‘All or Nothing’ proposition.

Finding joy in your life CAN be a wonderful vacation, but it can be found in the smaller moments too: A daily meditation, a walk in nature, or just having a cup of coffee with a friend. 

One of the greatest ways to experience daily joy is by finding a hobby that you love. 

A hobby can lead to personal satisfaction, a new community of friends, and even a career. 

On today’s episode of “The OverThinker’s Guide To Joy,” I interview my OTHER brother, Greg, who talks all about how he created his second career based on a hobby of his own. You can listen to the episode wherever you get your podcasts. 

If you are ready to create more happiness in your life, let’s chat.

xo, Jackie

#lifecoach #lifecoaching #happiness #hobbies #secondcareeers #konasoap #konanaturalsoap #theoverthinkersguidetojoy 

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