
Who Are You?

September 6, 2023

Do you remember that childhood taunt: “I know you are, but what am I?” 

It was the ultimate playground comeback, a sassy retort that could stop any argument dead in its tracks. 

But here’s the thing, while we may have left the playground far behind, that question lingers in our ADULT lives, albeit in a more subtle form.

Who are we, really? What defines us?

And, perhaps more importantly, who do we want to become? 

We tend to be defined by our labels:

-Relationship status

-Job Title


-and so on….

But when we are in transition with BIG life events like a breakup, a job loss, aging, or health challenges, we can easily lose our “identity.” 

So, how do you take back your power and find your confidence in the midst of uncertainty or transition? 

When I interviewed meditation expert, Kristin McGee, on my podcast last week, we talked about the power of “I AM” statements. 

This is the daily practice of affirmations to remind yourself of who you are or who you aspire to become. 

I AM is a powerful mantra that retrains our brains on how to step into our best selves.

Whether you start your day or end your evening with these affirmations, it can help rewire your self-perception and manifest your greatest desires. Here are a few of my favorites:

I AM strong. 

I AM healthy. 

I AM blessed. 

I AM content. 

It doesn’t matter if they are currently true or simply something you aspire to create. Say it, think it, or write it, but keep it in the PRESENT tense. 

Don’t worry if you are not there yet! Just keep repeating them daily… and watch the magic unfold. 

Here are a few more to get you started…

I AM lovable. 

I AM patient. 

I AM successful. 

I AM kind. 

I AM desirable.

I AM beautiful. 

I AM funny. 

I AM intelligent. 

Now it’s your turn to share some of your “I AM” statements, I would love to hear them!

xo, Jackie

P.S. Are you struggling with a transition in your life? If so, let’s chat. Coaching is all about getting you unstuck and back on the path to your success. You can schedule time with me here or send me a private message. 

#lifecoach #lifecoaching #coaching #theoverthinkersguidetojoy #happier #stressless #stressreduction #mindset

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