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Wins, Losses & Life

November 13, 2024

Life can often be an emotional rollercoaster. 

Celebrations on one shelf. Grief on another. But every so often, they share the same space. 

As I watched the trade winds bring in the rain this morning, I was reminded that without both sunshine and rain, there would be no rainbows.

It’s been that kind of month for me.

My book launch has felt like a dream, and seeing your support has left me beyond grateful.

At the same time, I am still grieving the loss of my dog.  

Because grief is such a universal and complex theme, I have decided to do a podcast series on it–starting with losing a pet. 

If you’re looking for a bit of joy or perspective this week, here are a few things that might speak to you:

  • Let’s connect one-on-one – if you’ve been thinking about making a change or exploring some of your own highs and lows, I’m here to help. Let’s see where the conversation takes us.

Thanks for being here for all the messy and beautiful parts.

Happy Wednesday!
xo, Jackie

#lifecoaching #lifecoach #theoverthinkersguidetojoy #theoverthinkersguidetojoypodcast #theoverthinkersguidetojoybook #stressless #happier #worklifebalance #grief 

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