Worrier vs. Warrior

Worrier vs. Warrior

April 21, 2021

Are you led by your Inner Worrier or Inner Warrior?

Do you find yourself looking for what could go wrong instead of what is going right?

It’s not your fault. Our brains are often wired this way to keep us safe. We don’t want to get too comfy, in case there is a lion or bear about to chase us. 

Although most of us don’t live where we are in danger of wild animals, we are still hard-wired to that fight or flight response. 

While it is important to protect ourselves physically and emotionally, worrying is not a productive form of protection. 

Worry leads to excess cortisol production. Cortisol leads to weight gain, inflammation, and that general feeling of being stressed out. 

Worry is not a reliable advisor. It is just a bad habit. 

I know this because I am recovering worrier. I come from a long line of hand-wringing, over-thinking, Jewish mothers (and fathers), who never met a worry they didn’t like to obsess about. 

Worrying was a lifetime habit that didn’t serve me well. It kept me awake at night, robbed me of living in the present, and prevented me from celebrating success. 

Eventually, I got tired of my Inner Worrier running the show.

By learning to change my lifestyle and managing my mind, I now allow my Inner Warrior to sit in the driver’s seat and my Inner Worrier sits in the back. 

Your Inner Worrier focuses on potential problems. 
Your Inner Warrior focuses on possibility and solutions.

If you would like to retire your Inner Worrier and promote your Inner Warrior, I invite you to come work with me. I have a program that will help you change your perspective on how you see yourself and the world around you. 

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