The Overthinker's Guide to Joy | 6 Steps to Stop Enabling

Ep #44: 6 Steps to Stop Enabling

July 6, 2022

Enabling is something that comes up in my coaching practice all the time. The most classic definition of enabling is: indulging someone’s habit or addiction. But the interesting thing about it is how many different faces it has. We think of drug, alcohol, or gambling addictions, but enabling applies to any situation where you’re helping by trying to hide a problem or make it temporarily go away.

The most common way enabling shows up with my clients is through enabling their young adult children. Their kids are bright and gifted, either creatively or academically. They’ve told their kids to focus on their studies or their creative pursuits, and not to worry about anything else, excusing them from living the rest of their life. For some of them, this led to their children getting into prestigious institutions, but now they’ve graduated, my clients find themselves still enabling their children, wondering where they went wrong. 

This is a cycle that needs to stop. So, if it sounds familiar, whether it’s your kids, or enabling a spouse with an addiction, tune in this week to discover six steps to stop enabling. I’m sharing how to spot the signs that you’re enabling, why this is such a downward spiral, and why it’s not too late to implement some boundaries.


If you want to learn more tips for managing your stress and your overthinking brain, I highly recommend signing up for my weekly newsletter here!

What You Will Discover:

  • How to see where you might be enabling somebody in your life.
  • Why we often think it’s easier to indulge in something than it is to fight it.
  • How enabling shows up for my clients and why it is such a difficult cycle to break.
  • Why, as parents, it’s often our own childhood traumas that influence how we raise our children.
  • 6 steps to see how you’re enabling and stop the cycle once and for all.

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  • Enjoy the original episodes of my previous podcast: Joy Hunting

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