The Overthinker's Guide to Joy | 3 Pieces of Advice I Would Give My Teenage Self

Ep #39: 3 Pieces of Advice I Would Give My Teenage Self

June 1, 2022

When I was graduating from high school 40 years ago, I thought I had it figured all out. I had a solid life plan of pursuing my life-long dream of going to medical school, but my plan took a big detour. In fact, I took many detours in both my career and personal life over the years.

My youngest daughter is about to graduate high school, and it got me thinking, what would I tell my younger self if I could do it all over again? What I’ve discovered is that life has a funny way of showing you the same lesson over and over again until you learn it, and I’m sharing mine with you. 

Join me this week to hear the three pieces of advice I would give my teenage self. If you resonate with the patterns I’m talking through today, know that I still have to remind myself of them, and I’m offering my top tips for being onto yourself as you practice working through them. 

If you want to learn more tips for managing your stress and your overthinking brain, I highly recommend signing up for my weekly newsletter here!

What You Will Discover:

  • How I started my life from scratch at 21 years old. 
  • The unconscious habits and patterns I had developed from my early career. 
  • 3 pieces of advice I would give my younger self. 

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