

Are You Throwing In The Towel In December?

Well well well or Ho Ho Ho,  it’s already December! And that means we are wrapping up the year and getting ready for the last leg of the holiday season.  I know many people love this time of year. They look forward to the decorations, the lights, the food, the shopping, the parties, seeing family, and possibly…


The 5 Types of Perfectionists

I don’t know about you, but the holidays really bring out my inner perfectionist.  I am not even making Thanksgiving dinner this year, thanks to my brother David who will be hosting it again.  But in years past when I did host it, I would always wake up in the morning with body aches… like…


The Importance of Taking a Break

When I was younger and working a million hours a week in a corporate job, I lived for going on vacation.  But as I got older and “built a life I don’t need a vacation from,” I have become much more of a homebody.  I love my routines, my home, and my career as a Life Coach.…


Do You Focus on Criticism or Compliments?

Why is it when ONE person makes a negative comment about us, it becomes the ONLY thing we focus on? No matter how many compliments we might get on a new outfit, a new haircut, or a job well done, we tend to only pay attention to that one criticism rather than the dozens of accolades.  What is up with…


New Day. New Month. New Possibilities.

A friend of mine would often joke, “Now that Halloween is over, there are only 3 days left in the year: Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Eve.” Earlier this week, I was shopping in Target and Costco, and everything was full-blown Christmas decor. They didn’t even wait for Halloween to be over, and they completely skipped Thanksgiving.  If…


Radical Acceptance

For those of you who have known me for a long time, you know how much I have resisted my curly (frizzy) hair.  It has been a lifelong battle of blow drying, flat ironing, deep conditioning, Japanese straighteners, and Brazilian Blowouts.  Don’t even get me started on the amount of time and money wasted on…


Advice From My Father

This morning I was listening to a guided meditation on Acceptance. The instructor used a mantra that happened to be something my dad often said throughout my life.  Sometimes he would say it when I was worried about work. Sometimes he would say it when I was worried about money. Sometimes he would say it when…


Knowing When It Is Time To Leave

Last week, I saw this meme: “Knowing When to Leave Is So Important. The Party. The Job. The Relationship.” These are often the questions we ask ourselves during a Mid-Life Crisis. But a Life Crisis is not just unique to Mid-Lifers, we are vulnerable at any age because a Life Crisis is often an Identity Crisis.  As we mature,…


You Got This

I have been in a bit of a funk this week.   It all started when I overdid it this weekend on the tennis court, and now my knee is really paying for it. The swelling in my knee makes it very hard to sit at my desk, and I cannot go out and play my favorite sports.…


Procrastination Is Not Laziness

In the summer of 1830, French author Victor Hugo was up against an impossible deadline.  Twelve months earlier, Hugo had promised his publisher a new book. But instead of writing, he spent that year distracting himself with other interests and entertaining friends. Frustrated, Hugo’s publisher responded by setting a deadline less than six months away: February 1831. Hugo…