
Simplify Your Life and Stress Less

January 15, 2025

Let me start with a confession: Traveling gives me anxiety.

Specifically, the packing part.

For someone who preaches simplicity, you’d think I’d have this one nailed. But no. Packing for a trip feels like a Tetris game where overthinking is inevitable.

I value keeping things simple. But simplifying doesn’t mean sacrificing. It means focusing on what truly matters, whether packing fewer outfits or decluttering your daily routines. 

Simplifying gives you space to breathe, room to think, and time to enjoy what you’re doing… instead of worrying about what is missing. 

This week on The Overthinker’s Guide to Joypodcast, I interviewed my friend, Marsha Sharpe, on packing light and traveling with less stress.  You can listen to the episode here or wherever you get your podcasts. 

But let’s be real—life isn’t about luggage. It’s about the “baggage” we carry. 

Simplifying your closet, schedule, inbox, and relationships will create more ease and joy.

If you find “simplifying” overwhelming (ironic as that may sound), I’d love to help you. Let’s find ways to make your life lighter, joyful, and infinitely more manageable.

Schedule a free call with me here, and let’s talk about working together. 

Happy Wednesday!


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#happier #stressless #motivation #lifehack

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