
How To Manage Empathy Overload
Are you suffering from empathy overload? We all do our best to provide comfort and support where we can, but it is easy to feel buried under the weight of compassion, sympathy, and empathy. Empathy is an important virtue that bonds us to others. But when we go into empathy overload, we can often feel…

Cures for the Summertime Blues
I love summer. I love the warm weather. Family vacations. Backyard BBQs. Cold beer. Swimming pools. I love that the days are longer. School is out of session which means happier kids and less traffic. Things feel easier and more carefree in the summertime. And yet, around mid-August, it is not uncommon for the Summertime Blues to creep in.…

Are You Enough?
Do you struggle with the uncertainty of not being “good enough?” If so, you are not alone. It shows up for all of us. Lately, I have seen this theme come up a lot with many of my clients. Most of them have been struggling with this issue in regards to their careers. They are all…

Why I Meditate
I saw a great meme yesterday that read, “My body runs on caffeine, sarcasm, and anxiety.” I laughed to myself because that was me… until about 5 years ago. During my corporate life,I began every morning with a Grande Latte from Starbucks. That was my “breakfast of champions.” After lunch, my energy usually dipped around 3 pm, so I…

Perfectionism and Procrastination
Did you know that procrastination and perfectionism often go hand in hand? Kind of like the flip side of the same ugly coin. And they are both monster energy drains. What are some of the tell-tale signs you suffer from one or both of these habits? -You are always working to the point of exhaustion. -You…

What I Learned On My Summer Vacation
Hi there. Long time, no blog. I took a little writing hiatus while I was on a family vacation for the last couple of weeks. It was the first vacation we have had in over two years, so it was a crazy mix of exciting, daunting, and logistically exhausting. But I was still very grateful for…

Life Instructions
This week I was cleaning out a closet full of old stuff, and I came across an email from 2002. The subject headline read: Life Instructions. I was curious, to say the least. Here’s what I had highlighted on the list: When you say “I love you,” say it truthfully. When you say “I’m sorry,”…

Your Thoughts
Did you know that it is estimated that the average person has about 60,000 thoughts a day? I wish I had known this when I used to lay awake at night unable to turn off my brain. I was a relentless Over-thinker. Over-worrier. Over-analyzer. 60,000 thoughts is a lot of junk to sift through every…

Is the grass greener?
When I was younger, I was very focused on goal-setting. Go to college. Land my first job.Buy a new car. Find a romantic partner. Rent my first apartment. My goals gave me a sense of purpose, motivation, and focus. So, I continued to set more. Land my next job. Buy a better car. Get married. Purchase my first home. This pattern of goal setting…

Don’t Stop Believing
Believe and you are halfway there. -Theodore Roosevelt When I was in college, I had dreams of living near the beach, being my own boss, and helping people feel better. More specifically, I wanted to be a doctor and live in Malibu. Neither of those things happened, and I ended up on a very different path. …