The OverThinker's Guide to Joy
Simple ways to reduce your stress and find more joy in your everyday life.
Hosted by Certified Life Coach, Jackie de Crinis

Ep #37: Why Laughter is the Best Medicine
In my time working in the world of comedy as a drama television executive on sitcoms, I spent a lot of time with comedy writers, actors, and live audiences, and I’ve personally seen the immense power of laughter. More recently, I’ve been learning a lot from experts about the role laughter plays in our everyday…

Ep #36: Reconnecting Post-Pandemic
It’s now May of 2022, and much of the world is returning to post-pandemic life. Many people are going back to the workplace, traveling, attending events, socializing, and dating. But after over two years of social distancing, working from home, and wearing masks, it seems the majority of us have forgotten how to connect with…

Ep #35: Are You a Chronic Worrier?
I’ve spent a good chunk of my life making worry my go-to habit. I thought that if I just worried about everything ahead of time, that I was somehow managing it and would feel better at the end of the day. But the truth is, worry begets worry, and it’s a cycle that can take…

Ep #34: What Are You Addicted To?
We tend to think of addiction, or addicts, as people with potentially dangerous habits. This brings to mind drugs, alcohol, gambling, and so on. But the truth is, there are equally damaging addictions that don’t get as much attention. Addiction comes in all shapes and sizes, and most of us are addicted to something. People…

Ep #33: 4 Steps to Stop ‘All or Nothing’ Thinking
I have a client who used to run marathons, but suffered a series of injuries. Now she’s in a place where she’s not only a little out of shape, but she actually finds the idea of even walking recreationally frustrating, humiliating, and defeating because she can’t run like she used to. This is all-or-nothing thinking,…

Ep #32: How to Set Yourself Up for a Great Day
Welcome to a short and sweet episode for anyone who woke up feeling like I did today: exhausted and lacking the motivation to get out of bed. It took me a minute to figure out what day it was, secretly hoping it was Sunday (it wasn’t), and asking myself, “What if I just stayed in…

Ep #31: Is Judgment Holding You Back?
As a coach, one of the things we’re supposed to do is listen to our clients’ fears, regrets, insecurities, or mistakes without judgment. We create a safe place where we actively listen, ask questions, and find solutions. Now, the listening part is fairly easy, but when it comes to holding space and setting judgments aside,…

Ep #30: The Science Behind Creating New Habits
If you’ve been a listener here for a while, you’ll know that my foundational work is all around the habits that keep us healthy, happy, and less stressed. There has been a ton of literature and scientific analysis of how we form habits, so in this episode, I’m giving you the science behind creating new…