Joy Hunting

The OverThinker's Guide to Joy

Simple ways to reduce your stress and find more joy in your everyday life.
Hosted by Certified Life Coach, Jackie de Crinis

The Overthinker's Guide to Joy with Jackie de Crinis | Embracing Failure

Ep #21: Embracing Failure

Something that comes up continually in my sessions with clients is the relationship between failure and success. So many of us understand our fear of failure. However, a fear of success is much more difficult to identify, and I have come to realize that failure and success are inextricably intertwined, with fear being the glue…

The Overthinker's Guide to Joy with Jackie de Crinis | Are You Too Busy?

Ep #20: Are You Too Busy?

In the last 50 years, the word busy has become synonymous with a sense of importance. Something about being busy makes people feel needed or wanted, and it’s something we overthinkers strive for. I’m noticing more and more clients complaining about feeling busy, but the truth is that busyness is something we’re doing to ourselves…

The Overthinker's Guide to Joy with Jackie de Crinis | Lessons I Learned from a Houseplant

Ep #19: Lessons I Learned from a Houseplant

I know, this episode title sounds irrelevant, but stay with me here. I come from a long line of garden hobbyists, all of whom had the passion, appreciation, and patience required for nurturing plants. And then there’s me. While I love looking at my gardens, I don’t have what you’d call a green thumb. But…

The Overthinker's Guide to Joy with Jackie de Crinis | Why I Don’t Believe in New Year’s Resolutions

Ep #18: Why I Don’t Believe in New Year’s Resolutions

Most resolutions fail by the middle of February, and they often don’t even make it that far. The overall success rate for New Year’s resolutions is around 8%. So, if you’re listening in real-time, you’ll be a few days into 2022 and you may even have fallen off whatever wagon you started the new year…

How to Improve Your Relationship with Money

Ep #17: How to Improve Your Relationship with Money

Money is a big theme for everybody, for obvious reasons. It’s what gives us the ability to buy food, shelter, and all the things. Now, as important as money is, it’s actually a subject I don’t love talking about. However, I’ve been researching more about money over the past 18 months, and it’s time to…


Ep #16: Overdoing the Holidays

If you’re listening to this episode around its release, you’re knee-deep into the holidays. Well, as I like to say, ’tis the season for overdoing. On some level, it’s like the rest of the year, but without the guardrails. So, if you’re a shopper, it’s likely that you use the festive season to go crazy…

The Overthinker's Guide to Joy with Jackie de Crinis | How to Overcome People-Pleasing Paralysis

Ep #15: How to Overcome People-Pleasing Paralysis

I think we all know what a people pleaser is, and it’s something I see in pretty much every single female client I work with. Societally, women were put in a caretaking, subservient role for most of history. And as we take our rightful place now in boardrooms, governments, and as international icons, we’re getting…

The Overthinker's Guide to Joy with Jackie de Crinis | Meet Your Inner Critic

Ep #14: Meet Your Inner Critic

Is there a voice in your head that keeps you from asking questions, speaking your mind, or trusting your instincts? Well, let me introduce you to your inner critic – the messaging that keeps you trapped in doubt and fear. So, where does your this voice come from, and what can you do to overcome…