Joy Hunting

The OverThinker's Guide to Joy

Simple ways to reduce your stress and find more joy in your everyday life.
Hosted by Certified Life Coach, Jackie de Crinis

The Overthinker's Guide to Joy with Jackie de Crinis | Forgiveness is Freedom

Ep #10: Forgiveness is Freedom

When my clients come to me, a lot of them are struggling with the aftermath of toxic friendships, relationships, and old wounds. I often see a pattern of toxic relationships that stems from their childhood: raised by either narcissists or substance abusers. And as adults, this leads to overcompensation, people pleasing, and overthinking. But what…

The Overthinker's Guide to Joy with Jackie de Crinis | The Power of Gratitude

Ep #9: The Power of Gratitude

As you probably know by now, I believe that good habits are the foundational work to creating a more successful, happy, healthy life. But the truth is that bad habits are simply easier. Watching TV is easier than exercising, and eating fries takes less effort than chopping up vegetables. But this work doesn’t stop at…

The Overthinker's Guide to Joy with Jackie de Crinis | The Power of Decluttering

Ep #8: The Power of Decluttering

What is clutter? Well, it can be anything. It could be physical junk and trash, it could even be useful items, but the problem is it’s everywhere and there’s just too much. Whatever it looks like for you, I believe that clutter creates a sense of chaos. And if you’re not naturally tidy or a…

The Overthinker's Guide to Joy with Jackie de Crinis | The Power of Routine

Ep #7: The Power of Routine

Your physical, mental, and emotional health depend heavily on routine and regularity, particularly if you’re an overthinker. It helps take the guesswork out of what you should be doing next and how your day will look as a whole. A routine is a great way of canceling out all of the noise around what you…

The Overthinker's Guide to Joy with Jackie de Crinis | The Power of The Pause

Ep #6: The Power of The Pause

As a classic overthinker, I have a confession to make: I am still struggling to master the art of doing nothing. As you all know from previous episodes, I am a daily meditator. However, outside of meditation – which I don’t really consider to be doing nothing – taking a pause and truly doing nothing…

The Overthinker's Guide to Joy with Jackie de Crinis | The Power of Journaling

Ep #5: The Power of Journaling

I’m expanding on the essential daily habits I discussed over the first four episodes of this podcast and introducing you to another: Journaling. This is one of my favorite ways to manage my overthinking brain, and it’s a hack I recommend to almost every one of my clients. It’s interesting how often people push back…

The Overthinker's Guide to Joy with Jackie de Crinis | 4 Essential Habits to Reducing Stress: Exercise

Ep #4: 4 Essential Habits to Reducing Stress: Exercise

This is the final installment of my four-part series, in which I share the four essential elements to reducing stress: my HOME Work. And the E stands for exercise. And while this may sound like an obvious part of a healthy lifestyle, fully understanding the benefits will help you make this a daily habit that…

The Overthinker's Guide to Joy with Jackie de Crinis | 4 Essential Habits to Reducing Stress: Meditation

Ep #3: 4 Essential Habits to Reducing Stress: Meditation

This is part three of my HOME Series, the four essential habits that, if you implement them, will help relax your mind, feel better, and live more productively. We’ve talked about the importance of Hydration, as well as Observing Your Levels (what we eat and how we sleep). And this third part is one of…